counterfactuals 0.1.6
- Fix display issues in html vignettes
counterfactuals 0.1.5
- Compatability with name changes in
counterfactuals 0.1.4
- Compatibility with upcoming ‘paradox’ release
- Improved print methods for counterfactual methods
counterfactuals 0.1.3
- Resolved bug in
Counterfactuals$evaluate(show_diff = TRUE)
were called.
- Throw errors if
x_nn_correct = TRUE
but no correctly
classified observation available.
- Add required packages for running MOCClassif and MOCRegr with
use_conditional_mutator = TRUE
- Add concept index entries to facilitate searching for class methods
counterfactuals 0.1.2
- Updated the package vignettes. Instead of the pima diabetis and the
Boston housing datasets, the German credit and a plasma retinol datasets
are now used.
- Extended the $plot_parallel() method to allow all feature types, not
only numeric ones. Also the style was slightly adapted.
counterfactuals 0.1.1
Initial release