Added function condor_qq() to produce a quick overview of the queue.
Added argument ‘global’ to condor_q().
Improved condor_q() so it captures and returns the screen output from the condor_q shell command.
Added function condor_rm() to stop a Condor job.
Added function condor_rmdir() to remove a directory on the submitter machine. Removed argument ‘remove’ from condor_download().
Added argument ‘sort’ to condor_dir().
Changed argument order in condor_dir() so ‘top.dir’ comes first. First argument is automatically interpreted as a ‘local’dir’ if it resembles a Windows local directory, as in condor_dir(“c:/myruns”).
Improved condor_dir() by adding a status category ‘aborted’ to identify runs that were aborted by user.
Improved condor_dir() and condor_log() error messages when directories are missing or empty, log files are missing or not containing keywords, also distinguishing between files and directories.
Added argument ‘local.dir’ to condor_dir() and condor_log().
Added argument ‘create.dir’ to condor_download(). Changed argument order in condor_download(), so #2 is ‘local.dir’ and #3 is ‘top.dir’.
Improved condor_dir() to allow ‘top.dir’ to be different from the default “condor”.