Getting started with tidyllm

Getting Started with tidyllm

tidyllm is an R package designed to provide a unified interface for interacting with various large language model APIs. This vignette will guide you through the basic setup and usage of tidyllm.


You can install tidyllm directly from GitHub using devtools:

# Install devtools if not already installed
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {

# Install tidyllm from GitHub

Setting up API Keys

Before using tidyllm, you need to set up API keys for the services you plan to use. Here’s how to set them up for different providers:

  1. Anthropic (Claude):
  1. OpenAI (ChatGPT):
  1. Groq:

Alternatively, you can set these keys in your .Renviron file for persistent storage. For this, execute usethis::edit_r_environ(), and add a line with with an API key in this file, for example:


If you do not want to use remote models you can also work with local large lange models via ollama. Install it from the official project website. Ollama sets up a local large language model server that you can use to run open-source models on your own devices.

Basic Usage

Let’s start with a simple example using tidyllm to interact with different language models:


# Start a conversation with Claude
conversation <- llm_message("What is the capital of France?") |>

#Standard way that llm_messages are printed

# Get the last reply

# Continue the conversation with ChatGPT
conversation <- conversation |>
  llm_message("What's a famous landmark in this city?") |>

# Get the last reply

Working with Images

tidyllm also supports sending images to multimodal models:

# Describe an image using a llava model on ollama
image_description <- llm_message("Describe this image",
                                 .imagefile = "") |>
  ollama(.model = "llava")

# Get the last reply

Sending R Outputs to Language Models

You can include R code outputs in your prompts. In particular you can use .caputre_plot to send the last plot pane to a model. The .f-argument runs a function and sends it output to a model.


# Example data
example_data <- tibble(
  x = rnorm(100),
  y = 2 * x + rnorm(100)

# Create a plot
ggplot(example_data, aes(x, y)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm")

# Send the plot and data summary to a language model
analysis <- llm_message("Analyze this plot and data summary:", 
                        .capture_plot = TRUE,
                        .f = ~{summary(example_data)}) |>


Adding PDFs to messages

The llm_message() function also supports extracting text from PDFs and including it in the message. This allows you to easily provide context from a PDF document when interacting with the AI assistant.

To use this feature, you need to have the pdftools package installed. If it is not already installed, you can install it with:


To include text from a PDF in your prompt, simply pass the file path to the .pdf argument of the chat function:

llm_message("Please summarize the key points from the provided PDF document.", 
     .pdf = "") |>

The package will automatically extract the text from the PDF and include it in the prompt sent to the an API. The text will be wrapped in <pdf> tags to clearly indicate the content from the PDF:

Please summarize the key points from the provided PDF document.

<pdf filename="example_document.pdf">
Extracted text from the PDF file...

API parameters

Different API functions support different model parameters like how deterministic the response should be via parameters like temperature. Please read API-documentation and the documentation of the model functions for specific examples.

temp_example <- llm_message("Explain how temperature parameters work in large language models.")

#per default it is non-zero
temp_example |> ollama()

#Temperature sets the randomness of the answer
#0 is one extreme where the output becomes fully deterministic. 
#Else the next token is allways sampled from a list of the most likely tokens. Here only the most likely token is used every time.
temp_example |> ollama(.temperature=0) |> last_reply()
temp_example |> ollama(.temperature=0) |> last_reply()# Same answer